



The #1 Rated HGH Releaser*

Now With Enteric Coated Tablets For Maximum Potency

Benefits associated with HGH include:
  • Diminished wrinkles, crows feet, laugh lines, and age spots
  • Skin that looks and feels firmer and smoother
  • Increased physical stamina
  • Weight loss with decreased body fat
  • Increased lean muscle
  • Strengthened nails
*Based on internal customer survey of those who tried GenF20® and at least one other HGH releaser*

Dr. Steven Lamm, As Seen On “The View” Recommends GenF20 Plus®

Dr. Steven Lamm

I would wholeheartedly recommend GenF20 Plus® to anyone wanting to increase their HGH levels and improve their overall health”

Dr. Steven Lamm, MD Best-selling author and the Director Of NYU’s Men’s Health Center

As Seen On: abc wsj nyt the-view

Just Arrived – The GenF20 Clinical Study Results*

GenF20 Plus Increased IGF-1 Levels By 28% After Just 12 Weeks – See For Yourself:

In a 12 week double-blind study, researchers split 61 participants in two groups. The first 31 volunteers received the complete GenF20 Plus system, both tablets and oral spray, taken twice a day.

The second group took a placebo at similar dosage.

Among their objectives, the researchers were searching for higher levels of Insulin-Like Growth Factor, or IGF-1. As they explain:

“HGH when released into the blood stream stimulates the liver to produce Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1, which is the primary mediator of HGH.”

Put simply, does GenF20 Plus help the body release its own HGH?

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GenF20 Plus Works. Ask Our Fans

It Helped Them Too Order Now

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Why GenF20 Plus Is An Incredibly Effective HGH Releaser:

Enteric Coated Tablets + Optimal Dosage = MAXIMUM POTENCY


My bald spot seems to be shrinking & I am looking younger”

I have been using GenF20 Plus for two months now. I bought it because I wanted to increase my HGH in order to fight the effects of aging. It’s Great! I’m 64 and It has helped me lose 10 lbs. of body fat. At the same time, My arm size has noticeably increased with inconstant exercise. My bald spot seems to be shrinking and I am looking younger.

I’m sleeping better and feel more energetic! I’ve tried several anti-aging products and this is the best I’ve found. I plan on sticking with GenF20 Plus.

– Peter F.


I stay in the gym longer”

A friend recommended Gen F20 plus to me. I’ve been using for about a month now. Have noticed I stay in the gym longer. So far no complaints.

Definitely worth a try.

– Marlon B.

WARNING – The Truth About HGH Supplements

When looking for an HGH releaser, you’ll find dozens of pills and sprays claiming to contain the ingredients necessary to increase your HGH levels. Although you’ll find they may contain some ingredients that have been scientifically proven to stimulate the production of HGH, they are in such a low dosage they do NOT actually work.

Unfortunately, this is a common practice in the supplement industry since manufacturers want to be able to say their product contains certain ingredients, while at the same time keeping their manufacturing costs as low as possible.

That is why in this industry of imposters, GenF20 Plus truly stands out from the crowd.

It’s True…

You really CAN do something about the march of time and reclaim more of the youthful appearance, vigor, and health of your 20s and 30s.

The Secret is HGH

(Human Growth Hormones)

The medical community has long known about the anti-aging benefits of restoring your HGH levels back more to what they were in your 20s.

It’s been scientifically proven that plummeting HGH levels are one of the key causes of problems commonly associated with aging.

Jumpstart your HGH production every day, and expect the benefits associated with HGH, including:

  • Diminished wrinkles, crows feet, laugh lines, and age spots
  • Skin that looks and feels firmer and smoother
  • Increased physical stamina
  • Increased lean muscle
  • Strengthened nails
  • A faster metabolism
  • Weight loss with decreased body fat
  • Greater memory and focus
  • Reinvigorated sex drive and performance
  • Better mood and mental sharpness
  • Improved hair condition and color
  • Better sleep
  • Clearer, healthier vision
  • A strengthened immune system
  • Increased results from exercise

GenF20 Plus is an all-natural HGH-releasing system formulated with 16 ingredients. These ingredients work together to stimulate the production of HGH. Inside our formula you’ll find HGH-precursors, growth factors, amino acids and powerful extracts.

The benefits associated with HGH are:

  • Lean Muscle Mass
  • Reduction of Body Fat
  • Increase of Strength
  • Improved Sleep
  • Faster Recovery
  • Less Joint Soreness
  • Higher Energy Levels

Below you’ll find the complete list and description of each ingredient in GenF20 Plus.


Gamma Aminobutyric Acid or GABA is known as a “Growth Hormone Booster.” Several studies have been published on its potential to boost HGH levels. This unique amino acid works by signaling your hypothalamus to release growth hormones through your pituitary gland. Other benefits include improved sleep, better muscle recovery and less stress.


Deer Velvet Antler is exactly what its name is: Velvet from deer antlers. But it’s essentially the growth hormone IGF-1. And studies have found IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) is linked to improving cartilage and joint damage. That’s why many professional and ameture athletes use deer antler velvet to help recover from injuries affecting their cartilage, joints and tendons.


GTF Chromium is an “essential trace mineral,” which means it’s necessary for good health. This important mineral helps burn fat and increase muscle. It works by regulating glucose levels and increasing energy levels which contribute to fat loss. Research results show the glucose regulating effects of GTF Chromium also plays a key role in the secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland.


L-Ornithine HCL has been shown to stimulate the release of HGH. L-Ornithine HCL is an amino acid used to increase blood flow, muscular performance and muscle growth. Studies show combining L-Ornithine and L-Arginine significantly increases HGH and IGF-1 levels.


L-Arginine is an amino acid which stimulates the production of Nitric Oxide creating a vasodilating effect. This vasodilating effect helps improve athletic performance and energy levels. Studies show L-Arginine also helps promote the production of HGH during rest and sleep.


Promising studies show that the conversion of L-Glutamine to Glutamate could potentially trigger the release of growth hormone. L-Glutamine is an amino acid taken to improve energy, lose weight and build muscle. L-Glutamines primary function is delivering nitrogen to your muscles and can also improve protein metabolism which helps prevent your muscles from breaking down.


L-Glycine is an amino acid produced in your body which also contributes to your body’s production of creatine. Creatine is important for increasing strength for muscle building. Studies suggest that glycine plays a role in controlling hypothalamic-pituitary function as well, which is significant for HGH secretion. This is possibly why studies show L-Glycine helps stimulate muscle growth. Additional benefits include better sleep and improving joint health.


Studies suggest L-Tyrosine functions as a natural growth hormone-releaser. This amino acid also plays an important role in the development of dopamine and other neurotransmitters which have been shown to help reduce stress and improve performance. Benefits include more energy, fat loss and muscle growth.


L-Lysine is an essential amino acid commonly taken by athletes to increase levels of HGH. These increased levels of HGH can improve athletic performance. L-Lysine also supports protein synthesis. And studies show combining L-Lysine with L-Arginine has a “multiplier” effect for increasing the production of HGH.


L-Isoleucine is a BCAA (branched chain amino acid), which is essential to human life. Athletes and bodybuilders take BCAAs because it helps reduce muscle loss and promotes faster muscle recovery. L-Isoleucine does not occur naturally in your body so it’s necessary to get it through your diet or supplementation. This essential amino acid also helps boost energy to fuel your workouts. BCAA’s have been shown to help improve the release of EIGH – Exercise Induced Growth Hormone.


L-Valine is another BCAA that helps muscle protein synthesis and muscle recovery. L-Valine also promotes muscle growth and boosts energy levels. Studies show L-Valine also helps reduce fatigue during exercise and reduce muscle soreness post workout.


Tribulus Terrestris is a powerful botanical commonly used to increase sexual energy and libido. But studies also show Tribulus Terrestris promotes the growth of muscle mass and increases strength. Many athletes take Tribulus Terrestris to improve performance and weightlifters take it for muscle growth and greater strength.


Astragalus roots have been used traditionally for centuries because it’s loaded with several health benefits. In vivo Astragalus has been shown to promote the secretion of growth hormone. This amazing plant also encourages the growth of tissue, boosts energy, and helps reduce stress.


Colostrum is a fluid produced in breast milk of humans and other mammals. That’s the reason why it promotes the secretion of growth hormones, plus, Colostrum contains concentrations of IGF-1 too. Bovine Colostrum is almost identical to human Colostrum but bovine colostrum has more growth factors (e.i. growth stimulating hormones.) These growth factors could help increase muscle strength, muscle mass and lead to faster muscle recovery.


Pituitary (Anterior) Powder are extracts made from bovine pituitary glands. These powders are loaded with growth factors and hormones for potential muscle growth and recovery. The growth hormones found in Pituitary (Anterior) Powder also promote the production of growth hormones which have been shown to increase energy, strength and muscle mass.


Phosphatidyl Choline or PC, helps increase growth hormone levels by inhibiting somatostatin (which is responsible for reducing growth hormone production as we age). This somatostatin “blocking” effect is the reason why bodybuilders take PC. Other benefits include reducing inflammation, improving cognitive function and burning fat.

HGH Truly Helps Fight Overall Body Aging

Can Take A Decade Or More Off Your Face!

“Growth hormone is the only anti-aging treatment known that actually makes people look younger.

Even creams and lotions that contain antioxidants like vitamins E, A, or C, retinoic acid, or fruit acids… do not stop the skin from sagging and sinking. [Only] growth hormone therapy can take a decade or more off your face.”

– Dr. Ronald Klatz

President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in his book “Grow Young With HGH” (p. 116)

Effectively Turn Back the Clock 10 to 20 Years

“The effects of six months of human growth hormone on lean body mass and adipose-tissue were equivalent in magnitude to the changes incurred during 10-20 years of aging.”

– Daniel Rudman, M.D.,

in the New England Journal of Medicine

Previously Known as the Anti-Aging Secret of the Wealthy Elite


Unfortunately, until recently, the only way to combat decreasing HGH levels in your body was by getting doctor-prescribed injections of synthetic HGH, also known as somatropin. At a cost of $10,000 to $30,000+ per year.

And these figures don’t take into account travel costs associated with getting yourself to a qualified HGH medical professional at a reputable anti-aging clinic.

Nor do they account for the risk of an overdose associated with injections. This put HGH therapy out of reach for the average person who wanted to enjoy the anti-aging benefits of this treatment.

GenF20 Plus is not meant to replace HGH therapy for individuals suffering from medical ailments. But fortunately, there’s now another option for those who want the same effects like the ones people seek in anti-aging clinics. It’s the GenF20 Plus HGH Releasing System.

Client Success Stories

Here’s what just a handful of our thousands of satisfied customers have to say about their experience with GenF20 Plus:


I am sleeping better and I am making great gains in the gym as a weightlifter.”

I am on my second box of GenF20 Plus and am hooked. I recently turned 53 and am already feeling and seeing results. I have been researching ways to age gracefully and this product kept turning up in my research, I am so thankful to have found GenF20 Plus. My skin is looking amazing, I am sleeping better and I am making great gains in the gym as a weightlifter. Best of all is I have so much energy. Taking the pills is an easy part of my day, no stomach upset, no adverse reaction at all. Love this product, I will be taking these for a long time to come. Thank you!

– Aileen R


Has helped boost my stamina, curb my appetite and help decrease my waist size.”

i’ve been taking the GenF20 Plus for a month now and I’ve lost over 10 lbs. Incorporating this great product with a good diet and steady workout has helped boost my stamina, curb my appetite and help decrease my waist size. I have zero complaints as of now and I plan on using this a long time.

– Brett H


Within the 3rd week of taking GenF20 Plus the pain and soreness was gone.”

I received GenF20 Plus on January 24th. First two weeks nothing happened and then the 3rd week I started noticing good changes. i had hurt my thumb joint area in the gym and was suffering for 6 months. Within the 3rd week of taking GenF20 Plus the pain and soreness was gone. This is the only supplement that have been taking since Jan 24th, so I would say by process of elimination only this could have helped. I just bought their other hair supplement and thanks to their guarantee I feel confident from buying Leading Edge health.

– Pamita B


Has me feeling significantly better in just 3 weeks”

Been taking the tablets and spray for 5 weeks. I have more energy through out the day because I sleep better. I wake up before my alarm goes off feeling refreshed. Also after a 6-8 mile walk my muscles recover faster. Can’t wait to see how I feel in a few more months.

– Jim H

Enjoy the Anti-Aging Benefits of HGH

Without the Hefty Price Tag or Risky Injections

GenF20 Plus is what’s known as an “HGH Releasing System.”

Completely natural and available without a prescription, this triple-advantage anti-aging system has been scientifically formulated to encourage your body to safely and naturally restore more of the HGH levels of your youth. Rather than injecting a foreign, synthetic source.

It gives the average person access to the anti-aging benefits of HGH without:

  • Prohibitive Costs
  • Doctor Visits
  • Risk Of Overdose
  • Painful Blood Monitoring
  • Unpleasant Side Effects

If you’re researching HGH supplements, it’s important to understand how the different options work. That way, you can avoid being ripped off, scammed, or accidentally making an illegal purchase.

#1: Synthetic HGH Injections

Only available by prescription from a qualified physician, these injections are extremely pricey at $10,000 to $30,000+ per year in treatment costs. Because an HGH oral supplement can’t replace HGH injections for medical purposes, the discussion of injections here is for informational purposes only.

While studies generally show them to be effective at reversing much of the physical deterioration of the body associated with aging and reduced levels of HGH, the cost puts this treatment option out of reach of the average person.

The injections can be painful, and the regular doctor’s visits quickly become inconvenient. Especially since in many cases, you will need to find a qualified physician who is willing to do the injections. This can mean traveling to an anti-aging clinic that specializes in HGH.

There’s a risk of an overdose with synthetic HGH injections, potentially causing headaches, fluid retention, insulin resistance, and gynecomastia – i.e. man breasts.

There’s also a concern that long-term use can cause a hormone imbalance in the body.

Also, it’s important to remember this:

The only safe and legal way to purchase synthetic HGH injections is with a valid doctor’s prescription. Since HGH supplements can’t replace medical HGH injections, such injections would never be relevant to the average person in the first place.

Beware of websites claiming to sell you HGH injections or other supplements containing “real” HGH.

#2: HGH Releasers

GenF20 Plus®is what’s known as an “HGH releaser.”

It’s a dietary supplement, available without a prescription that’s been scientifically formulated to encourage your body to release more of its own HGH, rather than injecting a foreign source.

It’s designed to give the average person access to the anti-aging benefits of HGH without the prohibitive costs, health risks, or inconvenience of synthetic injections. As previously mentioned, injections are not even relevant to a person who is not seeking HGH treatments for medical issues.

With an HGH releaser, there are no doctor’s visits, no pricey, painful needles, and best of all, no risk of overdose.

The challenge for consumers is finding an HGH releaser that’s both safe and proven effective. It should be manufactured by a cGMP certified facility with the highest quality ingredients and a track record of getting real results for their clients.

GenF20 Plus® proudly offers you a solid eight-year track record of quality manufacturing and many testimonials from our satisfied customers.

#3: Homeopathic HGH

As a consumer, you need to be wary of claims surrounding this form of supplementation.

That is because this is one of the most controversial forms of HGH supplementation since it’s still considered unproven by the scientific medical community.

To date, few studies have been done on homeopathic HGH. In fact, only one study has been done by the National Institute of Health. That’s certainly not enough to provide adequate evidence that this is a safe and effective alternative.

It involves taking extremely small doses of synthetic HGH two to three times daily. The goal is to stimulate the body’s own immune and endocrine systems to produce more of its own HGH.

So homeopathic HGH has not been proven safe, and it’s certainly not convenient.

Ready to start experiencing the anti-aging benefits of increased HGH levels yourself with the help of GenF20 Plus?

#4: Injections of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone

While this treatment option shows promise, it’s still new and considered unproven. It also requires getting injections from a qualified medical professional.

In this case, you’re injecting GHRH, which stimulates the release of HGH in the brain. A Baltimore study found that twice-daily injections of GHRH restored the levels of HGH and IGF-1 levels in older men to that of men three decades younger.

While it may sound promising, it’s still costly, inconvenient, and unproven to date.


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How does it work? It’s Simple The GenF20 Plus® System Helps Erase Years Off Your Face and Body

Three Powerful Age-Defying Advantages

GenF20 Plus® contains a proprietary combination of amino acids, nutrients, and peptides that are all scientifically shown to kickstart your pituitary gland. So they encourage your body to safely and naturally boost your HGH to more youthful levels.

Advantage #1 – GenF20 Plus® Daily Supplement

The foundation of the GenF20 Plus® Triple-Advantage System is the #1 rated doctor-endorsed daily supplement*.

It’s a potent “HGH Releaser” that you take twice daily. Within as little as three weeks, you can expect to feel the anti-aging effects as this proprietary formulation begins working to kickstart your pituitary gland to start releasing more HGH.

To encourage your body to safely and naturally restore your HGH to more youthful levels.

So again, no injections of synthetic HGH are required.

The system is designed to help you enjoy multiple benefits that include:

  • A more youthful appearance
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Fat loss
  • Increased metabolism
  • A super-charged sex drive
  • Greater energy
  • A strengthened immune system
  • And much more

The ingredients are a potent combination of amino acids, nutrients, and peptides that are all known for their HGH boosting effects. They include L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Glycine, Colostrum, Anterior Pituitary Powder**, and more.

Advantage #2 – Independently Tested in Human Clinical Study

GenF20 Plus Increased IGF-1 Levels By 28% After Just 12 Weeks…

In a 12 week double-blind study, researchers split 61 participants in two groups. The first 31 volunteers received the complete GenF20 Plus system, tablets and oral spray, both taken twice a day. The second group took a placebo at similar dosage.

Among their objectives, the researchers were searching for higher levels of Insulin-Like Growth Factor, or IGF-1. As they explain: “HGH when released into the blood stream stimulates the liver to produce Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1, which is the primary mediator of HGH.”

Put simply, does GenF20 Plus help the body release its own HGH? The Answer: YES!

And Here Are Some More Client Success Stories…


An effective and all-rounded product to maintain our youth and well being”

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we mature adults need an effective and well-rounded product to maintain our youth and well-being.

I kept searching and found GenF20 Plus to be the best natural product for maintaining youth, energy and restoring everything a youth should have.

Try it. In no time you will experience the benefit I am experiencing.

Wish I could have found it earlier instead of wasting time and money on products that do not work.

– Ada N. – New York

Stopped me from feeling down…”

I have used GenF20 for a couple of years now and have noticed a difference maintaining weight, better skin and definition. I have more energy and can pretty much do and look exactly the same as when I was younger…

GenF20 just seems to keep my age where I’m at!

– Joseph Gomes – Weymouth, Massachusetts

Energy and sex drive are incredible…”

My skin, hair, nails are vastly improved (hair is thicker!). I have diminished cellulite on my inner thigh that I have tried, until now, to improve for years!

My energy and sex drive are incredible! I highly recommend GenF20 to all my friends and my family already has a supply. My mother has an ailment and now has more energy than ever!

– Sylvia Denonna – New York, New York


Has me feeling significantly better in just 3 weeks”

I began taking GenF20 Plus about 3 weeks ago because I read studies that show that increasing your Growth Hormone can aid in the repair of leaky gut syndrome.

I purchased 3 months’ worth of the product and in the short time I have been taking it, my sleep has improved and my hair shedding has stopped.

This product, combined with an improved diet, has me feeling significantly better in just 3 weeks. Definitely a fan over here.

– Alex S.

The influence of HGH on hair, skin, muscle, brain function and sexual health has been well-researched and documented in medical and scientific journals and books.

Read Doctor Reviews


Dr. Steven Lamm, M.D.

I want to introduce you to GenF20 Plus a powerful, all natural human growth hormone releaser. ”

“Throughout my career as a doctor, researcher and author, I am constantly investigating new solutions and supplements that I can share with my patients to help them improve the quality of their life as they age, and that is why I want to introduce you to GenF20 Plus® a powerful, all-natural human growth hormone releaser.

You see as people age, your production and supply of this very important hormone, called the human growth hormone, dramatically drops off, resulting in a decrease in muscle mass, increase in belly fat, saggy skin and wrinkles, along with many other unpleasant side effects associated with aging.

That is why GenF20 Plus® is such a powerful solution to combat the inevitable aging process. It was formulated to help stimulate your body to produce its own human growth hormone to help return your HGH levels to what they were at their peak.

And by stimulating the body to produce its own HGH, you support smoother, younger looking skin, increased metabolism and faster weight loss, more sound, satisfying sleep, consistent higher energy and mental alertness and stronger sex drive and better sexual response.

As a doctor, I am very critical of many of the natural anti-aging products available today. But I would wholeheartedly recommend GenF20 Plus® to anyone who wants to naturally increase their HGH levels and improve their overall health as they age.”


Dr. Steven Lamm, M.D.

Highly recommend this product to my patients/athletes.”

“I was recently introduced to your product GenF20 and have seen great results with my patients using it. I am often asked for nutritional product recommendations and highly recommend this product to my patients/ athletes. This product is beneficial for both athletes and patients undergoing rehab to enhance their full rehab potential.”


Dr. Steven Lamm, M.D.

I want to introduce you to GenF20 Plus a powerful, all natural human growth hormone releaser. ”

“Dr. Anna Lepeley is an exercise and nutrition expert. She has an extensive background in exercise and nutrition biochemistry, as well as the science behind libido-enhancing supplements and ingredients. Anna holds a doctorate in Exercise Biochemistry Research from Trident University. She also specializes in the physiological and biomechanical aspects behind libido and physical sexual performance; respectively, their manipulation through diet, supplementation, exercise, and overall lifestyle factors.

Anna also holds a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology from Florida International University. She has been analyzing research and scientific literature and examining the sexual arousal potential influenced by nutraceutical and dietary supplements for more than eight years.

As a keynote speaker, Anna has presented at numerous conferences, dispelling the myths behind purported aphrodisiacs and ingredients of libido-enhancement products. Anna has also worked for libido-enhancing supplement companies, legitimizing the ingredients with scientific research, and translating the mechanism behind ingredients efficacy for general populations.”

Watch Dr. Anna Lepeley’s Review of GenF20 Plus®

Why GenF20 Plus Is An Incredibly Effective HGH Releaser:

Enteric Coated Tablets + Optimal Dosage = MAXIMUM POTENCY

What can HGH do?
Its effects have been researched for years.

Stopped me from feeling down…”

I have used GenF20 for a couple of years now and have noticed a difference maintaining weight, better skin and definition. I have more energy and can pretty much do and look exactly the same as when I was younger…

GenF20 just seems to keep my age where I’m at!

-Dr. Ronald Klatz President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in his book “Grow Young With HGH” (p. 116)

It’s an Attractive Alternative to Injections

Some of these compounds are orally active, and could help ameliorate age-related conditions.”

-Michael Ankersen, et al.
Drug Discovery Today, Volume 4, Issue 11, 1 November 1999, Pages 497-506

Beneficial for Metabolism and Psychological Well Being

Replacement therapy with Growth Hormone has shown beneficial/normalizing effect on thyroid hormone metabolism, bone metabolism, sweat secretion, total and regional fuel metabolism and psychological well being.”

-Dr. Jorgensen and Dr. Christian of Copenhagen, Denmark European Journal of Endocrinology, 1994

HGH Promotes Speedy Recovery From Trauma”

Daily administration of human growth hormone in the first week after trauma would enhance the metabolic status… resulting in earlier discharge from hospital.”

-Drs. Ramias, Shamos, & Schiller of St. Joseph Hospital Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ: May 1992, Journal of Surgery. Vol 111, 495-502

Ready to start experiencing the anti-aging benefits of increased HGH levels yourself with the help of GenF20 Plus?

Effectively Turned Back The Clock 10-20 Years!

The effects of six months of human growth hormone on lean body mass and adipose-tissue were equivalent in magnitude to the changes incurred during 10-20 years of aging.”

-Daniel Rudman, M.D., in the New England Journal of Medicine


Improvements in Overall Quality of Life

Dr. Chein of the Life Extension Institute studied 202 patients that he treated with HGH. His patients reported improvement in the following areas:

  • Healing of other injuries – 61%
  • Wrinkle disappearance – 61%
  • Overall life outlook – 78%
  • Emotional stability – 67%
  • Exercise tolerance – 81%
  • New hair growth – 38%
  • Healing capacity – 71%
  • Skin thickness – 68%
  • Skin elasticity – 71%
  • Back flexibility – 83%
  • Muscle size – 81%
  • Body fat loss – 82%
  • Hot flashes – 58%
  • Memory – 62%
  • Menstrual cycle regulation – 39%
  • Duration of penile erection – 62%
  • Resistance to common illness – 73%
  • Skin and hair care, skin texture – 71%
  • Strength and body fat, muscle strength – 88%
  • Energy, emotions and memory, energy level – 84%
  • Sexual function, sexual potency/frequency – 75%

May Reverse Some of the Effects of Aging

It is possible that chronic physiologic GH and/or IGF-I replacement therapy might reverse (or prevent) some of these ‘inevitable’ [effects] of aging.”

-V. A. Medical Center and Department of Medicine Stanford University Medical Center Study of GH therapy in the elderly – March 1992

HGH Promotes Speedy Recovery From Trauma

Daily administration of human growth hormone in the first week after trauma would enhance the metabolic status… resulting in earlier discharge from hospital.”

GenF20 just seems to keep my age where I’m at!

-Drs. Ramias, Shamos, & Schiller of St. Joseph Hospital Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ: May 1992, Journal of Surgery. Vol 111, 495-502

May Help Decrease Appetite

Intermittent usage with recombinant hGH for a week significantly decreased food consumption, adipose tissue weight and plasma triglyceride concentrations in the TG rats. These results suggest that, in the TG rats, insufficiency in circulating GH stimulates the ghrelin-NPY system with a resultant increase in food intake.”

-Hozumi H, et al.; The University of Tokyo, Japan. J Vet Med Sci. 2006 Sep;68(9):959-65

HGH Secretagogues May Improve Physical Function

In healthy older adults at risk for functional decline, administration of the oral [HGH secretagogues] may improve body composition and physical function.”

-Effects of an Oral Growth Hormone Secretagogue in Older Adults. White et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2009; 0: jc.2008-0632v1

HGH is Important in the Development of Muscle Strength

Indirect evidence suggests that GH are of importance in developing muscle strength because young adults with GH deficiency have reduced muscle mass and strength.”

-Lancet 1989; i: 1221-1225 “Beneficial effect of growth hormone usage in GH-deficient adults.”

HGH Replacement Increases Lean Body Mass

Short-term GH replacement in elderly patients increases LBM [lean body mass] and decreases fat mass.”

-J Clin Endocrinol 1996;45:399-405 Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2005;62:105-113

No Evidence Suggests Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy Causes Unfavorable Long Term Side Effects

There is no evidence suggesting that Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy causes any unfavorable long term side effects.”

-Dr. Rosen, M.D. and Dr. G. Johannsson, M.D. of University Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden: Hormone Research, 1995

Could Prolong Patients Ability to Live Independently

Replacing GH, or stimulating GH with GH-releasing hormone or a GH secretagogue could confer benefits in normal aging… in particular, could reduce the loss of muscle mass, strength, and exercise capacity leading to frailty.

… Preliminary reports of improved cognition are encouraging…”

-Hersch EC, Merriam GR. Clin Interv Aging. 2008;3(1):121-9.

Secretagogues Could Rejuvenate GH and IGF-1 Levels

The aging GH/IGF-I axis decline could be rejuvenated by GHS [Growth Hormone Secretagogue] usage.”

-Frutos MG, et al. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Nov; 293(5):E1140-52.

HGH Deficiencies Result in Abnormal Increases in Body Fat

Untreated elderly GH-deficient adults have an abnormal increase in body fat and pathological fat distribution compared with normal elderly subjects.”

-J Clin Endocrinol 1996;45:399-405

Quality of Life Was Improved

GH therapy improved the QOL [quality of life] similarly in elderly GH-deficient patients and younger counterparts.”

-Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2000;53:281-289

Beneficial for Metabolism and Psychological Well Being

Replacement therapy with Growth Hormone has shown beneficial/normalizing effect on thyroid hormone metabolism, bone metabolism, sweat secretion, total and regional fuel metabolism and psychological well being.”

-Dr. Jorgensen and Dr. Christian of Copenhagen, Denmark European Journal of Endocrinology, 1994


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Total $177 $59
or 4 easy payments with Sezzle
Credit Cards
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6 Boxes180 Day Supply
180 Day Supply
79 /Box
Total $294 $49
or 4 easy payments with Sezzle
Credit Cards
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1 Box30 Day Supply
30 Day Supply
79 /Box
Total $69 $69
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3 Boxes90 Day Supply
90 Day Supply
79 /Box
Total $177 $59
or 4 easy payments with Sezzle
Credit Cards
*Free USA Shipping
6 Boxes180 Day Supply
180 Day Supply
79 /Box
Total $294 $49
or 4 easy payments with Sezzle
Credit Cards
*Free USA Shipping

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We back GenF20 Plus® with an industry-leading, 100% risk-free moneyback guarantee that gives you two full months to test our product.

Since it typically takes over a month’s use to begin experiencing the full anti-aging effects of GenF20 Plus® and increased levels of HGH, we’re going to give you an incredible 67 days to try our product.

That’s Two Full Months

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Ready to start experiencing the anti-aging benefits of increased HGH levels yourself with the help of GenF20 Plus?

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